Grade A Fabrics
- Athena Natural
- Athena Sand
- Athena Silver
- Austen Dove
- Austen Oatmeal
- Baslow Plain Gold
- Baslow Plain Mulberry
- Boucle Cherry
- Boucle Fennell
- Boucle Heather
- Boucle Oyster
- Boucle Porridge
- Boucle Terracotta
- Boucle Truffle
Bretton Denim -
Bretton Lichen -
Bretton Smoke -
Bretton Stone - Caledonian Grey
- Caledonian Oatmeal
- Caledonian Pebble
- Caledonion Silver
- Caledonian Stone
- Coniston Beige
- Coniston Blue
- Coniston Green
- Coniston Red
- Country Deep Blue
- Country Moss
- Country Oatmeal
- Country Rose
Country Toffee - Cromwell Barley
- Cromwell Mint
- Cromwell Natural
- Dash Blue
- Dash Oatmeal
- Dash Stone
- Dash Truffle
- Dobby Mist
- Dobby Sand
- Dobby Seaspray
- Dune Mist
- Dune Sand
- Dune Seaspray
Edith Aqua Aquaclean -
Edith Ecru Aquaclean
Edith Natural Aquaclean -
Edith Navy Aquaclean -
Edith Silver Aquaclean - Equinox Butterscotch
- Equinox Light Blue
- Equinox Terracotta
- Equinox Charcoal
- Euphoria Duck Egg
Ginny Aqua Aquaclean -
Ginny Oyster Aquaclean -
Ginny Sage Aquaclean -
Harris Slate
Hatton Barley -
Hatton Charcoal -
Hatton Denim -
Hatton Dove -
Hatton Pewter -
Hatton Russet -
Hatton Taupe - Latitude Duck Egg
- Latitude Grey
- Latitude Mocha
- Latitude Pewter
- Latitude Sage
Lola Navy Aquaclean -
Lola Oatmeal Aquaclean -
Lola Rose Aquaclean -
Lola Silver Aquaclean
Lola Sky Aquaclean -
Lola Slate Aquaclean
Lola Truffle Aquaclean
Maddox Olive - Maddox Sandstone
- Maddox Sea Breeze
- Maddox Smoke
- Matteo Caramel
- Matteo Duckegg
- Matteo Steel
- Paris Duck Egg
- Paris Oyster
- Plush Aqua
- Plush Dark Green
- Plush Evergreen
- Plush Mulberry
- Plush Navy
- Plush Ochre
- Plush Rust
- Ragley Plain Red
- Thalia Gold
- Thalia Natural
- Thalia Sky
- Vialli Malachite
- Vine Sage
- Willow Cream
- Willow Oatmeal
- Willow Pebble
Grade B fabrics
Anza Ocean -
Anza Sepia -
Anza Smoke -
Asta Jet - Austen Medallion Dove
- Austen Medallion Oatmeal
- Austen Stripe Dove
- Austen Stripe Oatmeal
- Austen Trellis Dove
- Austen Trellis Oatmeal
- Baslow Check Gold
- Baslow Medallion Gold
- Baslow Medallion Mulberry
- Baslow Stripe Gold
- Baslow Stripe Mulberry
- Capture Mink
- Capture Natural
Contour Berry -
Contour Forest -
Contour Meadow -
Contour Pacific -
Contour Smoke -
Contour Sunset -
Curio Autumn -
Curio Honey -
Curio Slate -
Curio Stone -
Gala Floral Dove Grey - Gala Plain Dove Grey
- Harris Check Caramel
- Harris Check Duck Egg
- Henrietta Coordinate Royal
- Henrietta Coordinate Ruby
- Henrietta Royal
- Henrietta Ruby
- Highgrove Check Berry
- Highgrove Medallion Berry
Hugo Dove Aquaclean -
Hugo Moss Aquaclean -
Hugo Mushroom Aquaclean -
Hugo Slate Aquaclean -
Hugo Tan Aquaclean -
Ida Autumn -
Ida Honey -
Ida Slate -
Ida Stone -
Lytton Honey -
Lytton Moss -
Lytton Ocean -
Lytton Rust - Majorelle Sky
- Majorelle Stripe Sky
- Metric Aqua
- Metric Charcoal
- Metric Navy
- Metric Sable
- Montauk Check Gold
- Montauk Medallion Gold
- Montauk Narrow Stripe Gold
- Montauk Plain Gold
- Montauk Wide Stripe Gold
- Murray Herringbone Cream
- Murray Herringbone Gold
Noah Denim Aquaclean -
Noah Pebble Aquaclean -
Noah Steel Aquaclean - Nouveau Caramel
- Nouveau Rose
- Nouveau Stripe Caramel
- Nouveau Stripe Rose
- Paris Damask Duck Egg
- Paris Damask Oyster
- Paris Medallion Duck Egg
- Paris Medallion Oyster
- Paris Narrow Stripe Duck Egg
- Paris Narrow Stripe Oyster
- Paris Stripe Duck Egg
- Paris Stripe Oyster
- Ragley Medallion Red
- Ragley Stripe Red
Salerno Alpine -
Salerno Graphite -
Salerno Rust -
Salerno Stone -
Sierra Conifer -
Sierra Ocean -
Sierra Pebble -
Sierra Sea Breeze -
Sierra Spice - Tess Gold
Tilly Duck Egg Aquaclean -
Tilly Natural Aquaclean -
Tilly Rose Aquaclean - Whitfield Sky
- Windsor Check Duck Egg
- Windsor Stripe Duck Egg
Grade C fabrics
Arcata Mink -
Arcata Moss -
Arcata Oyster -
Arcata Slate -
Azora Forest -
Azora Lagoon -
Coleton Caramel -
Coleton Forest -
Coleton Ocean -
Coleton Rust -
Fable Dusk -
Fable Sage -
Flora Oyster - Gala Stripe Dove Grey
Maroc Pastel - Maroc Sage
- Maroc Teal
Milo Denim Aquaclean -
Milo Ochre Aquaclean -
Milo Sage Aquaclean -
Milo Soft Grey Aquaclean -
Milo Stone Aquaclean -
Milo Thunder Aquaclean -
Miro Dusk -
Miro Moss -
Miro Natural -
Miro Ocean -
Miro Rust -
Miro Smoke - Murano Medallion Wedgewood
- Murano Stripe Wedwood
Omega Midnight -
Omega Mink -
Omega Ocean -
Omega Rust -
Omega Slate - Persia Sky
Remini Molten -
Remini Oyster -
Remini Pebble -
Remini Petrol Blue -
Remini Smoke -
Terra Ocean -
Terra Rust -
Terra Sand -
Verona Charcoal -
Verona Dark Truffle -
Verona Petrol Blue -
Verona Silver - Whitfield Stripe Sky
Wilderness Sage -
Wilderness Sky -
Wren Chocolate Aquaclean -
Wren Mustard Aquaclean -
Wren Ruby Aquaclean -
Wren Rust Aquaclean -
Wren Sapphire Aquaclean -
Wren Smoke Aquaclean -
Wren Teal Aquaclean
Grade D fabrics
Hyams Mink -
Hyams Moss -
Hyams Oyster -
Hyams Slate -
Matira Mink -
Matira Moss
Leather Grade 1 - Madri
Madri Dove -
Madri Marine -
Madri Midnight -
Madri Moss -
Madri Mushroom -
Madri Ocean -
Madri Olive -
Madri Paprika -
Madri Putty -
Madri Sepia -
Madri Spice -
Madri Steel -
Madri Storm
Leather Grade 2
- Como Black
- Como Cream
- Como Mink
- Como Oak
Como Ocean - Como Sage
- Como Taupe
- Como Slate
- Como Dove
- Dallas Tan
- Dallas Dark Brown
- London Saddle
- Oxford Cedar
- Oxford Chocolate
- Oxford Midnight
- Oxford Winter Lake
Revolution Chocolate -
Revolution Tan -
Revolution Truffle -
Roma Chalk - Roma Storm
- Roma Nutmeg
Roma Putty
If you would like us to send you a sample of any fabric please send us your name, address and postcode to this email link with the name of the fabric.
Fabric Care
We recommend that you vacuum your upholstery regularly and remove stains by means of a damp cloth (not over-wet) and soapy water or mild detergent if necessary, following closely the manufacturer's instructions. For more stubborn stains please consult a professional cleaning company.
All pile fabrics including chenilles are subject to a certain degree of shading or pile crush with frequent use. This is not a fabric fault, nor will it detract from the wearing properties of the material. The effect of pile crush can be minimised by regular brushing with a soft brush and occasional steaming where the pile is showing signs of wear.
In order to create the extra softness inherent in 'chaise'-type seatwraps it is important to remember that the upholstery is somewhat looser than in conventional seating, particularly as it cannot be pulled tightly from side to side. This may result in a little 'bagginess' or 'wrinkliness' appearing in certain fabrics which can usually be smoothed out by hand after use.