01283 740004
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Albero 01

Albero 02

Albero 03

Albero 04


Aneto 01

Aneto 02

Aneto 03

Aneto 04

Aneto 05

Aneto 06

Aneto 07

Aneto 08

Aneto 09

Aneto 10

Aneto 11

Aneto 12

Angel Arcabucero

Antique Leather Bordeaux

Antique Leather Carmin

Antique Leather Cognac

Antique Leather Di Moro

Antique Leather Jeans

Antique Leather Mostaza

Antique Leather Negro

Antique Leather Piedra

Antique Leather Rose

Antique Leather Verdi

Arcos Leopardos

Austin 013

Austin 014

Austin 156

Austin 248

Austin 301

Austin 314

Austin 316

Austin 321

Austin 324

Austin 333

Austin 346

Austin 348

Axis 05

Axis 07

Axis 08

Axis 19

Axis 21

Axis 24

Axis 30

Axis 31

Axis 33

Axis 34

Axis 36

Axis 38

Axis 39

Axis 40

Axis 41

Axis 43

Axis 46

Axis 49

Axis 51

Axis 53

Axis 54

Axis 59

Axis 61

Axis 64

Axis 71

Axis 91

Baker 07

Baker 08

Baker 45

Baker 54

Baker 67

Baker 72

Baker 89




Blade 18

Blade 25

Blade 60

Blade 90




Ciervo Leather Acero

Ciervo Leather Antracita

Ciervo Leather Arena

Ciervo Leather Artiko

Ciervo Leather Berenjena

Ciervo Leather Blanco

Ciervo Leather Boreal

Ciervo Leather Camel

Ciervo Leather Caramelo

Ciervo Leather Cardenal

Ciervo Leather Castano

Ciervo Leather Ceniza

Ciervo Leather Cherry

Ciervo Leather Chocolate

Ciervo Leather Crema New

Ciervo Leather Ferrai

Ciervo Leather Foresta

Ciervo Leather Golden Virginia

Ciervo Leather Hielo

Ciervo Leather Kenia

Ciervo Leather Mokka

Ciervo Leather Naranja Old

Ciervo Leather Negro

Ciervo Leather New Camel

Ciervo Leather Optico

Ciervo Leather Pepper

Ciervo Leather Perla

Ciervo Leather Pietra

Ciervo Leather Plata New

Ciervo Leather Porto

Ciervo Leather Prugna

Ciervo Leather Rojo

Ciervo Leather Tabaco

Ciervo Leather Toffe

Ciervo Leather Topo

Ciervo Leather Vetro

Ciervo Leather Whisky

Ciervo Leather Zafiro


Club 05

Club 07

Club 08

Club 10

Club 11

Club 12

Club 18

Club 21

Club 22

Club 23

Club 24

Club 26

Club 27

Club 30

Club 31

Club 32

Club 33

Club 34

Club 37

Club 39

Club 42

Club 43

Club 45

Club 49

Club 51

Club 52

Club 53

Club 54

Club 55

Club 59

Club 60

Club 61

Club 64

Club 66

Club 67

Club 70

Club 71

Club 91

Club 95

Corazon 40

Corazon 43

Corazon 50

Corazon 55

Corazon 60

Corazon 98



Dalmata Leather 000

Dalmata Leather 001

Dalmata Leather 002

Dalmata Leather 003

Dalmata Leather 004

Dalmata Leather 005

Dalmata Leather 006

Dalmata Leather 007

Dalmata Leather 008

Dalmata Leather 009

Dalmata Leather 010

Dalmata Leather 011

Dalmata Leather 012

Dalmata Leather 013

Dalmata Leather 014

Dalmata Leather 015

Dalmata Leather 016

Dalmata Leather 017

Dalmata Leather 018

Dalmata Leather 019

Dalmata Leather 020

Dalmata Leather 021

Dalmata Leather 022

Dalmata Leather 023

Dalmata Leather 024

Dalmata Leather 025

Dalmata Leather 026

Dalmata Leather 027

Dalmata Leather 028

Dalmata Leather 029

Dalmata Leather 030

Dalmata Leather 031

Dalmata Leather 032

Dalmata Leather 033

Dalmata Leather 034

Dalmata Leather 035

Dalmata Leather 036

Dalmata Leather 037

Dalmata Leather 038

Dalmata Leather 039

Dalmata Leather 040

Dalmata Leather 041

Dalmata Leather 042

Dalmata Leather 043

Dalmata Leather 044

Dalmata Leather 045

Dalmata Leather 046

Dalmata Leather 047

Dalmata Leather 048

Dalmata Leather 049

Dalmata Leather 050

Dalmata Leather 051

Dalmata Leather 052

Dalmata Leather 053

Dalmata Leather 054

Dalmata Leather 055

Dalmata Leather 056

Dalmata Leather 057

Dalmata Leather 058

Dalmata Leather 059

Dalmata Leather 060

Dalmata Leather 061

Dalmata Leather 062

Dalmata Leather 063

Dalmata Leather 064

Dalmata Leather 065

Dalmata Leather 066

Dalmata Leather 067

Dalmata Leather 068

Dalmata Leather 069

Dalmata Leather 070

Dalmata Leather 071

Dalmata Leather 072

Dalmata Leather 073

Dalmata Leather 074

Dalmata Leather 075

Dalmata Leather 076

Dalmata Leather 077

Dalmata Leather 078

Dalmata Leather 079

Dalmata Leather 080

Dalmata Leather 081

Dalmata Leather 082

Dalmata Leather 083

Dalmata Leather 084

Dalmata Leather 085

Dalmata Leather 086

Dalmata Leather 087

Dalmata Leather 088

Dalmata Leather 089

Dalmata Leather 090

Dalmata Leather 091

Dalmata Leather 092

Dalmata Leather 093

Dalmata Leather 094

Dalmata Leather 095

Dalmata Leather 096

Dalmata Leather 097

Dalmata Leather 098

Dalmata Leather 099

Dalmata Leather 100

Dalmata Leather 101


Delfos 056

Delfos 060

Delfos 305

Delfos 372

Delfos 395

Delfos 700

Delfos 710


Florida 013

Florida 014

Florida 156

Florida 248

Florida 301

Florida 314

Florida 316

Florida 321

Florida 324

Florida 333

Florida 346

Florida 348


Fuente Ninfas

Fuentes 60

Fuentes 70

Gamusino 17

Gamusino 35

Gamusino 58

Gamusino 67


Giulia 056

Giulia 060

Giulia 305

Giulia 372

Giulia 395

Giulia 700

Giulia 710

Graffiti 18

Graffiti 25

Graffiti 60

Graffiti 90

Greca 04

Greca 30

Greca 45

Greca 54



Holmes 07

Holmes 08

Holmes 45

Holmes 54

Holmes 67

Holmes 72

Holmes 89

Houston 013

Houston 014

Houston 156

Houston 248

Houston 301

Houston 314

Houston 316

Houston 321

Houston 324

Houston 333

Houston 346

Houston 348

Hudson 012

Hudson 013

Hudson 156

Hudson 248

Hudson 301

Hudson 314

Hudson 316

Hudson 321

Hudson 324

Hudson 333

Hudson 346

Hudson 348


Jardin Delicias


La Papisa



Leopardo 40

Leopardo 43

Leopardo 55

Leopardo 60

Leopardo 98

Limonero 60

Limonero 70

Limonero 71

Lincoln 013

Lincoln 014

Lincoln 156

Lincoln 248

Lincoln 301

Lincoln 314

Lincoln 316

Lincoln 321

Lincoln 324

Lincoln 333

Lincoln 346

Lincoln 348

Lyon 01

Lyon 06

Lyon 10

Lyon 106

Lyon 12

Lyon 158

Lyon 162

Lyon 168

Lyon 196

Lyon 206

Lyon 47

Lyon 65

Lyon 66

Lyon 84

Lyon 87

Lyon 92



Mandala 60

Mandala 70


Marvel 010

Marvel 013

Marvel 056

Marvel 100

Marvel 248

Marvel 316

Marvel 336

Marvel 372

Marvel 373

Marvel 375

Maui 20

Maui 40

Maui 50

Maui 80

Maui 90




Molly 093

Molly 300

Molly 347

Molly 357

Molly 407


Nantes 002

Nantes 006

Nantes 009

Nantes 018

Nantes 037

Nantes 039

Nantes 048

Nantes 054

Nantes 059

Nantes 063

Nantes 070

Nantes 071

Nantes 072

Nantes 077

Nantes 085

Nantes 097

Nantes 099

Narumi 26

Narumi 60

Narumi 70

Nassau 001

Nassau 003

Nassau 005

Nassau 014

Nassau 016

Nassau 018

Nassau 034

Nassau 037

Nassau 038

Nassau 054

Nassau 056

Nassau 060

Nassau 061

Nassau 073

Nassau 077

Nassau 079

Nassau 083

Nassau 092

Nassau 100

Neboa 006

Neboa 060

Neboa 305

Neboa 372

Neboa 395

Neboa 700

Neboa 710


Newark 013

Newark 014

Newark 156

Newark 248

Newark 301

Newark 314

Newark 316

Newark 321

Newark 324

Newark 333

Newark 346

Newark 348

Nile River

Niza 006

Niza 012

Niza 066

Niza 149

Niza 153

Niza 168

Niza 206

Niza 207

Nola 06

Nola 08

Nola 35

Nola 45

Nola 50

Nola 52

Nola 54

Nola 62

Nola 64

Nola 72

Nola 88

Nola 95

Nola 97

Osiris 05

Osiris 07

Osiris 20

Osiris 29

Osiris 39

Osiris 43

Osiris 49

Osiris 51

Osiris 61


Paris 01

Paris 02

Paris 10

Paris 108

Paris 109

Paris 126

Paris 132

Paris 14

Paris 141

Paris 149

Paris 168

Paris 169

Paris 193

Paris 196

Paris 206

Paris 34

Paris 47

Paris 90


Pataleo 20

Pataleo 40

Pataleo 55

Pataleo 60

Pataleo 98





Sally 093

Sally 300

Sally 347

Sally 357

Sally 407

Salonga 20

Salonga 40

Salonga 50

Salonga 80

Salonga 90

Salvia 04

Salvia 05

Salvia 08

Salvia 21

Salvia 30

Salvia 35

Salvia 45

Salvia 50

Salvia 51

Salvia 53

San Mchaela

Satoru 116

Satoru 118

Satoru 122

Satoru 123

Satoru 130

Satoru 141

Satoru 195

Satoru 199

Satoru 216

Satoru 218

Scott 07

Scott 08

Scott 45

Scott 54

Scott 67

Scott 72

Scott 89


Shay Goose

Syke 005

Syke 010

Syke 012

Syke 067

Syke 090

Syke 158



Taylor 07

Taylor 08

Taylor 45

Taylor 54

Taylor 67

Taylor 72

Taylor 89

Velsatis 002

Velsatis 003

Velsatis 012

Velsatis 014

Velsatis 015

Velsatis 025

Velsatis 035

Velsatis 036

Velsatis 037

Velsatis 039

Velsatis 043

Velsatis 045

Velsatis 051

Velsatis 052

Velsatis 053

Velsatis 056

Velsatis 059

Velsatis 065

Velsatis 067

Velsatis 070

Velsatis 071

Velsatis 071

Velsatis 073

Velsatis 078

Velsatis 101

Velsatis 106

Velsatis 123

Velsatis 126

Velsatis 132

Velsatis 144

Velsatis 149

Velsatis 158

Velsatis 160

Velsatis 162

Velsatis 168

Velsatis 169

Velsatis 178

Velsatis 198


Venice 01

Venice 03

Venice 036

Venice 04

Venice 05

Venice 052

Venice 10

Venice 11

Venice 27

Venice 29

Venice 30

Venice 32

Venice 33

Venice 37

Venice 38

Venice 42

Venice 43

Venice 51

Venice 53

Venice 54

Venice 55

Venice 56

Venice 76

Vivalto 10

Vivalto 100

Vivalto 248

Vivalto 271

Vivalto 314

Vivalto 316

Vivalto 321

Vivalto 324

Vivalto 336

Vivalto 346

Vivalto 348

Vivalto 372

Vivalto 373

Vivalto 375

Vivalto 56

Wari 17

Wari 35

Wari 58

Wari 67

This Moonrise chair not only looks fabulous but offers amazing comfort & relaxation with the swivel, rocking & reclining action inside it. It is made by Fama Furniture and the recliner action is electrically powered using either a rechargeable battery pack or by plugging it into a household wall socket.
The chair rotates through 360 degrees as it stands on a metal base that is hidden from view and is suitable for a wooden or carpeted floor.
The reclining action is controlled by pressing the two buttons on the outside of the arm which move the action in both directions. It will smoothly lift & support the users legs as well as allowing a more relaxed back position too. Remember to add the rechargeable battery pack if you wish to avoid cables running across a floor.